Embrace the beauty and uniqueness of womanhood with our herbal remedies tailored to address women's health needs. Find balance, support reproductive health, and embrace your inner strength.

A woman is many things in her life. She plays numerous roles and gathers many memories. Each one is a feather in her cap of life experiences. During all the phases she goes through, all the smiles, and all the cries- her body is going through its share of changes. At every stage, there is a need to focus particular attention on a healthy body and mind. Here is how to navigate the curves, twists, and turns of women’s health!

Know what causes the Ouch!

To do the best for your health, you first need to identify the hurdles that hinder your way to good health as a woman.

Nutritional sufficiency

One of the most common problems that females face is nutritional deficiencies. Falling for fad diets and trying to reach a certain number on the scale can lead to defeat in the race for nutritional sufficiency.

Healthy weight

Many girls and women face the challenges of being underweight while weight gain is an issue for most. Not maintaining a healthy weight can lead to low immunity, tiredness, and other health issues. Overweight or obese females are at risk of PCOS and PCOD along with other health conditions. Unhealthy weight is linked to CV diseases and hormonal diseases.

Menarche and hygiene

On menarche, a young girl becomes a lady. It is a must for her to learn all about menstruation. Maintaining hygiene and sanitation during these days is essential to prevent infections. However, access to these facilities might not be available to many females around the globe.

UTIs and bladder

Stubborn microbes can cause urinary tract infections of bacterial, viral, and fungal kinds. These UTIs can cause immense pain, and pelvic cramps, if not treated in time these minor UTIs can spread to the ureters, bladder, and kidneys.

Pregnancy health

Pregnancy is a crucial time in a woman’s life. Several complications arising due to nutritional and socio-economic factors can lead to complications in pregnancy. A mother's diet, lifestyles, and family history are essential factors that play a vital role in a baby’s well-being.

Stress and mental health

Mental and physical health are co-dependent in nature. A stressful life opens up the portals to numerous health conditions. It can also lead to anxiety, depression, and isolation. When your mental health takes a hit, The deterioration of your physical health follows. Taking care of your physical health can have a positive impact on your overall health.

Bone health

It is common for females to have lower levels of calcium and Vitamin D3. This could be due to their insufficient dietary intake and the lack of screening or check-ups. This often leads to brittle bones and makes them more susceptible to fractures. During the younger ages, it might not be that evident. However, after menopause, estrogen levels start declining which leads to the rise of bone and joint problems.


Menopause is biological with accompanying symptoms like hot flashes, mood swings, vaginal atrophy, and sleep disturbances that reduce energy levels in the body and have an impact on women's mental health. The most common illness that leads to porous bones in menopausal women is osteoporosis, which is often accompanied by fractures once in a lifetime and poor quality of life.

Nutrients for women’s health

Nutrition and exercise are crucial for a woman's health and growth at every stage of her life. Women's health relies on consuming foods high in specific minerals and vitamins.

Folic acid

Women require 400 mg of folic acid daily. Folate is required for the production of red blood cells and is used to treat folate-deficient anemia.

B vitamins

Some B vitamins essential for body cell activity and the production of energy includes thiamine, biotin, riboflavin, niacin, and cobalamin.


For our bodies, iron is highly important. It facilitates the processes of oxygen transport, growth, and hormone synthesis. For women aged 19 to 50, the recommended daily iron intake is 18 mg, and for women over 50, it is 8 mg.


For the development and maintenance of strong bones, calcium is crucial for people of all ages. In pregnant women, menopausal women, and girls between the ages of 9 and 19, calcium is crucial. It's recommended to consume 1100–1300 mg of calcium daily.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D consumption of 600 IU per day is advised. It facilitates calcium absorption and preserves bone health. Additionally crucial for fighting infections and cell growth.


Magnesium is essential for maintaining blood sugar levels, healthy muscle and neurological system activity, and bone density. For women, 320 mg is the suggested daily dose.

Ways to include the right nutrients

Consuming a nutritious diet full of multivitamins is crucial to maintaining good health and lowering the risk of contracting any disease. Women are known for using their creativity to adorn their homes, and they may also come up with inventive ways to consume nutrients and maintain good health. Fruits and vegetables of various colors make your food look like a rainbow on the dish, which may make you more tempted to eat it. Use the following items to fill a platter

  • Fresh fruits, and vegetables
  • Whole grains, legumes, and lentils
  • Plant oils, nuts, seeds, and dairy products
  • Egg, meats, and fish

Tips for maintaining women’s health

Women are eager to look for the needs and health of others while neglecting their own. However, to take responsibility for someone's health, our health must come foremost. Here are some ideas for boosting women's health.

  • Daily, well-planned, and balanced diet
  • Plenty of water
  • Engage in at least one hour of exercise every day
  • Don’t smoke
  • Maintain a healthy weight
  • regular meditation and yoga
  • Don’t use nonprescription medicines
  • Retain a healthy work-life balance
  • Do not sacrifice your sleep
  • Limit exposure to too much sun
  • Keep up with issues affecting women’s health
  • Maintain health hygiene, mostly in mensuration

The need for regular health checkups

Regular health checkups can improve the likelihood of early disease detection and timely treatment. Although it is impossible to completely prevent the possibility of sickness as we age, frequent health checks can assist to minimize the liabilities that diseases may cause. Regular health checkups and screenings can detect diseases even before they manifest symptoms, helping patients stay on the safe side and maintain their health. These conditions include cervical cancer, endometritis, PCOD, vitamin deficiencies like calcium, folate, and vitamin A, as well as other serious conditions like these.


In today's world, many women manage both their personal and professional lives. They neglect their health as a result of the demands of their families, children, household duties, and jobs. You are now aware of the diseases that influence the health of women. Following the advice, regular exercise, and a balanced diet will help you lead a healthy, happy life. It's now or never, so get ready. It's time for women to take care of their health and support their immune systems.


  1. WomPeters SA, et alen’s health: a new global agenda. BMJ global health. 2016 Nov 1;1(3):e000080.
  2. 9 vitamins and minerals you should take daily. Cleaveland clinic, available at https://health.clevelandclinic.org/which-vitamins-should-you-take/
  3. Silva TR, et al. Nutrition in Menopausal Women: A Narrative Review. Nutrients. 2021 Jun 23;13(7):2149.